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Old 08-26-2016, 10:33 AM   #148
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Originally Posted by motorhead View Post
You guys are missing my point all together. I don't really care what the laws are or what the op is legally obligated to disclose. It's about having some morals. He's not screwing over the dealer he's screwing over a consumer that will end up with that pile. Im in business too and work hard to treat people right. I can sleep well at night knowing that I treat people the way I would expect to be treated. I just can't stand reading or hearing about this kind of crap. If the OP didn't want these kind of comments or this kind of publicity he should have started thread. We didn't know the entire story and never will. I know it really isn't any of our business, but he made it our business by posting. All I know is that the same people that are sticking up for him would be singing a very different tune of the OP had bought this car at a dealership and found these issues. We have threads like that now. I didn't read anything from you people saying "oh, buyer beware. You shouod have done your homework" No, you would be "Lawyer up, Start a petition, don't buy from dealer X.

I've more than said my feelings on this, and Im done. Sorry to keep going on about it. I just can't stand deceiful people no matter who they are.

I'm not sure if I bought a used Camaro from a dealer and somehow found out that at some point there was a roll cage or someone raced it I would be having a fit. Who cares? Does the dealer have to disclose if there was a roll cage? I wouldn't think so. Is the car in working condition and is it safe to drive? Is it rebuilt, does it have flood damage, or is it salvage title? That matters. Are there any problems I should know about? I'm not sure I see the fact that there used to be a roll cage a problem to my safety or a concern. But it sounds like that is where the issue is. Does the fact that their used to be a Roll Cage constitute Frame Damage? That is the only potential issue here that I see. It sounds like the OP asked that question to the CHP and a couple insurance folks and they said no.

I think its great some folks would share all their mods and how they drove the car. Not necessary, but good on you for doing that I suppose. I didn't sell my first or second Camaro to someone and the way, I drove this hard. (It's a Camaro. It wasn't to drive the kids on their school field trip.) It's on the buyer to have the car checked out. And I think it's on the seller to disclose if the car is unsafe for any reason. Nothing in the OPs thread makes me believe his Camaro was unsafe. I think people are reading way too much into this thread. Because we are talking about a roll cage you assume the OP thrashed the hell outta the car and dropped it on the dealer and acted like he only drove it on Sunday to church. If he wanted to be deceitful he would have signed the contract and said "nope, no mods." But when they presented the contract he declined to sign it. The OP asked a simple question...does the fact his Camaro had a roll cage mean that it has frame damage/salvage? That was the point. I think you missed it. But hey...go ahead and create your own backstory on the OP. Be sure to add the horns, tail and pitchfork. Sounds like a real dick.
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