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Old 12-29-2016, 09:12 AM   #2
Chevrolet Customer Svc

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Originally Posted by BandRcAMARO View Post
So heres the details, my oil pan was leaking and the dealer offered to fix it for free, it is a 2010 ss m6 car. So they did it and the oil leak is gone. Being a car guy i notice anything with my cars. I noticed that after the car is warmed up and I have driven it that if i turn it off and go to start it again that the crank sounds slow and like its struggling. I thought maybe the battery was low on charge maybe the mechanic left a light on while working on it or whatever. But when its a cold start it starts normal. Not sure what could cause that. Second problem i noticed is the radiator fan going on at a low temperature. The car wouldnt even be warmed up all the way or it could be 40 degrees outside and i just stop at a light and it goes on? Its sort of wierd and i have no idea where to start. Car is stored this winter and i will be doing work to it in the spring so i want to fix this.

We regret to hear of these concerns in your Camaro after your previous service, and apologize for any inconvenience! Since we're not trained technicians, we do rely heavily on the expertise of our certified dealers, as they're our eyes and ears in the field. If you'd be interested in a formal diagnosis, we'd be happy to reach out to your dealership and offer additional support.

Please send us a private message with your VIN, full contact information, current mileage, and preferred dealer if you'd like to proceed.


Angela O.
Chevrolet Customer Care
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