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Old 07-13-2011, 07:04 PM   #28
I'm not totally useless..
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Originally Posted by skip_168 View Post
a bi-product of methanol is an extremely low boiling point, so the forced induction crowd would inject a small amount into the charge air to absorb some heat & cool the intake charge down.. You could do the same with water, but it would take two to three times as much water to remove the same amount of heat from the charge temp...
I beg to differ. Water has up to 6 times the capability of latent heat absorption than methanol does (depending on who you talk to, IE: Aquamist vs Coolingmist etc). This is directly proportional to how finely you can atomize the water as it is injected.

A brief excerpt from the Aquamist site:

Water to Fuel ratio

We've seen that excess fuel is traditionally used as in-cylinder coolant. We've also seen here that water is a much better alternative for this purpose, since its latent heat is 6 -7 times higher than fuel (energy absorbed as the tiny droplets evaporate)

Latent heat of fuel = 350KJ/kg
Latent heat of Methanol = 1109 Kg/kJ
Latent heat of water = 2256KJ/kg

PLUS, it does not ADD heat to the cylinder burn as methanol would (because meth is a fuel remember) when it reaches the cylinders. PLUS it will remove any carbon build-up on the valves and piston faces as it is converted to steam by its heat absorption... PLUS it is FREE!

Just adding my FHE with water injection.
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