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Old 04-29-2013, 12:22 PM   #45
Drives: Camaro
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Florida
Posts: 710
Originally Posted by Scalded Dog View Post
Always good to keep your "Escape and Evasion" skills ready. First lesson: When you think that MAYBE you are being followed, make a U-turn somewhere. This will either cause the other vehicle to chicken out and you are gone, gone, gone... or, if he also makes a U-turn, you've got confirmation, and now it's on!............................................... ...... Lot's of ways to lose 'em: High speed is one, if you have the skills, the equipment, and the other guy doesn't. Or, on a highway, position yourself in a left lane, setting it up so that your follower is just left of a big rig in the right lane... when you reach an offramp, cut hard, take an extra lane to get to the offramp, and your tail will be completely blocked by the rig.............................................. Or (this one is hairy, but I did it... and it was highly successful): Find a side street, emptier the better. Come to a stop, then hit reverse. Go around him, and keep hauling ass in reverse... go as far and as fast as you can. Guaranteed, he will not follow you in reverse, but will turn around (takes at least a few seconds) and come towards you. When you see him getting close, stand on your brakes, drop it into to 'drive,' and get around him. You will now have a HUGE lead, as he will need to come to a stop, turn around (best if you can do it on a road narrow enough to require a three- point or more turnaround), and accelerate, while you, in the meantime, are just hauling ass to go disappear into the distance.

This is supposed to be a joke right? Or did you watch too much television as a child?
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