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Old 01-13-2010, 11:46 PM   #22
Captain Awesome
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Drives: 2010 Camaro 2SS/RS
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Originally Posted by Dragoneye View Post

Good news, as always it seems with the Camaro. If this car exceeds expectations at current levels, I'm very happy -- because it means there's almost no chance of it being canceled again anytime soon! The Camaro is more than an "extra" in the product's a viable, important team player!

Oh, don't be such a sourpuss. Designing profit into the vehicle is part of the game. And it's about damn time they do it, so they can make some real money off more vehicles than trucks.

Originally, it was expected that V6 sales would outstrip SS to make up for that loss in profit, they engineered a little more into the assumed-lower-sales-numbers SS. The plan took an unanticipated a good way.

Besides, it's still competitively priced, given the content and competitors. Win-win-win!

The thing that sucks about this is that for some reason they are INTENTIONALLY trying to steer people away from the V8 car, by inflating the price. I don't mind them engineering profit into the car, it's the fact they are trying to influence people to buy the V6 model. By your statement they didn't need to do this because they were already expecting it to be the big seller.

It leaves me with the impression that the V6 model was all they really cared about and the V8 was just something they put together to satisfy a handful of "squeaky wheel" purists with their unreasonable throwback mentality.

One could wonder what compromises were put into the design to make the V6 profitable at the expense of V8 performance, given they expected the V6 to be the "bread and butter" and the V8 was just there to appease a few enthusiasts willing to pay extra.

How about now that the competition is improving their desigs that we steer a bit of that extra V8 profit into some exotic lightweight materials and maybe some lights across the dash?
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