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Old 07-03-2013, 07:59 PM   #906
Zabo's arm rest
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Drives: The Silver Car
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Florence, KY
Posts: 18
I'll check the book out. Might be able to find it for my Kindle...

I'm going to be brutally honest. Prepare to cringe.

I've lost weight in the past. I've counted calories, cycled calories, portioned out food, made meals the night before, etc.

Right now, we don't eat that great. We don't eat terrible, but we don't eat that great, either. We just moved in together around the end of May, and with me unable to find a job yet, money is tight. We live off ground beef, sausages, and pasta. Lot of carbs. I did buy myself a bag of frozen vegetables, and I do have chicken I eat sometimes. I normally cook whatever it is we're having while Mike is still asleep, eat my portion (I measure out 1 cup, then 1 cup of vegetables, too), and send the rest off with him for lunch. I might have air popped popcorn later in the evening. Also, when I lived at home, I guzzled water like a fish. Well water. Here, the water taste horrible. I do my best and leave it sit out in a jug overnight so some of the chlorine taste is gone, and I'm slowly starting to drink more and more.

I exercise 4 days a week while he's at work. I prefer tae bo, yoga, pilates -- essentially cardio, but I do a few tapes that incorporate some weight training. I'm using canned food right now in lieu of weights though. I start my tapes around 8pm when he leaves, and finish around 9:40-10pm. Occasionally I'll throw in another tape later in the evening, especially if I give in and eat something bad.

I know my plan needs fine tuning. Last year before we met, I was really on the ball. I lost about 27lb, and then I had family issue that made it impossible to continue, and gained it all back. My depression became the worst it's ever been, and I'm only now beginning to pull myself out of that hole and make changes again. Baby steps, though, I guess, right?

I think that's about it for now. Thanks for listening.

Last edited by Heydownhere!; 07-03-2013 at 08:11 PM.
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