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Old 09-23-2009, 04:31 PM   #85
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Originally Posted by halo8hkk View Post
no offense to the officers in this forum but as far as i am concerned un-marked cop cars should be illegal. just like photo radar it is just money making racket. it has its uses in undercover work but not for the normal run of the mill traffic violations (ie: 5-10 mph over the speed limit) call it a pet peve. i dont intentionally speed but i do occasionally (as every one else does) go over the speed limit. im not harming or endangering anyone but ill dam sure get a ticket over it. sorry to rant but i got pulled over buy an unmarked cop coming over the pass doing 7 over. even though its a steep grade and he wasn't exactly going the speed limit ether. i told him what was i suppose to do ride my breaks? sorry im just pissed this is the first speeding ticket iv gotten in 8 years. and by the way the ticket 8 years ago was also an unmarked car.
Wait, are you seriously saying that it should be illegal for police officers to use methods intended catch people who only obey speed limits when they know a cop is around? Besides, would you rather have everyone pay more taxes instead?
Note, if I've gotten any facts wrong in the above, just ignore any points I made with them
Originally Posted by FbodFather
My sister's dentist's brother's cousin's housekeeper's dog-breeder's nephew sells coffee filters to the company that provides coffee to General Motors......
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Old 09-24-2009, 06:51 PM   #86

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Originally Posted by DGthe3 View Post
Wait, are you seriously saying that it should be illegal for police officers to use methods intended catch people who only obey speed limits when they know a cop is around?
no offense but yes. the majority of people who get pulled over are not endangering anyone. which is the real reason why speed limits are posted.
the problem is it has turned into a political money making thing. i have nothing agenst police officers, in fact i have several that are friends of mine. i respect what they have to put up with on a daily basis. my problem is if you are not endangering any one, going with the flow of traffic faster that the posted speed limit for example, it is not right to pull some one over for it. some cops are really cool and don't bother you but there are others that will give u a ticket. now if you are driving fast and aggressive you are endangering the public and you need to be pulled over. i guarantee you no one here monitors there speed every second, every one just goes with traffic. for example on my way home the speed limit is 40 i was doing 45 with traffic i didn't not realize that until i happened to look down. im sure this happens to everyone all the time. im not endangering anyone nether is the cars next to me. in fact it would be more endangering for me to slowdown in the middle of trafic. but these are the things that a undercover car will see and write tickets for, and that is my point more normal every day people not harming any one will get pulled over for. i dont want this to start any fights so im not going to post any more on this i just wanted to explane my point in more detail. so you can further understand my side of things. i dont expect any one to agree or disagree. thx for reading.
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Old 09-24-2009, 08:07 PM   #87
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its the new Bluesmobile

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Old 09-26-2009, 03:23 PM   #88
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Originally Posted by halo8hkk View Post
no offense but yes. the majority of people who get pulled over are not endangering anyone. which is the real reason why speed limits are posted.
the problem is it has turned into a political money making thing. i have nothing agenst police officers, in fact i have several that are friends of mine. i respect what they have to put up with on a daily basis. my problem is if you are not endangering any one, going with the flow of traffic faster that the posted speed limit for example, it is not right to pull some one over for it. some cops are really cool and don't bother you but there are others that will give u a ticket. now if you are driving fast and aggressive you are endangering the public and you need to be pulled over. i guarantee you no one here monitors there speed every second, every one just goes with traffic. for example on my way home the speed limit is 40 i was doing 45 with traffic i didn't not realize that until i happened to look down. im sure this happens to everyone all the time. im not endangering anyone nether is the cars next to me. in fact it would be more endangering for me to slowdown in the middle of trafic. but these are the things that a undercover car will see and write tickets for, and that is my point more normal every day people not harming any one will get pulled over for. i dont want this to start any fights so im not going to post any more on this i just wanted to explane my point in more detail. so you can further understand my side of things. i dont expect any one to agree or disagree. thx for reading.
I'm not offended, I'm just shocked is all. Your specific case may be an exception, but here is my view: we should all obey the laws, regardless of our likely hood of getting caught. But that never works out. We all hit the brakes when we see what might be a cruiser and plan routes around known speed traps. I can't even claim to be a goody-two-shoes either, I'm usually a bit over the limit with only one hand on the wheel. I've been caught speeding twice, one was on the highway and the other was a country back road. But I'll never claim that the cop shouldn't have been in an unmarked car or hiding in someones driveway. Why? Because I shouldn't have been speeding. It is their job to catch people breaking the law, it is not my right to speed.

When talking about speeding, I say most limits should be raised ~5 mph (I actually say 10 km/h) and have the fines doubled. And no more 'freebies' of going just a little over the limit being ok. Limit is the limit. And go on a massive blitz to enforce it immediately. But thats just me, though most people I discus that with agree with the general concept (disagree on the specifics). Hopefully it eliminates the 'gray zone' of casual speeding and causes the ones who go further over the limit to think twice.

Plus, I generally support alternative incomes for governments rather than income or property tax. Tobacco taxes to help fund health care, gasoline taxes to fund public transit, and fines to pay for police forces are just a few off the top of my head. Esentially, causing those who make the problems provide some of the solution.
Note, if I've gotten any facts wrong in the above, just ignore any points I made with them
Originally Posted by FbodFather
My sister's dentist's brother's cousin's housekeeper's dog-breeder's nephew sells coffee filters to the company that provides coffee to General Motors......
........and HE WOULD KNOW!!!!

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Old 10-03-2009, 08:40 AM   #89
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I build police cars in Augusta Ga and all I can say is the lights they used are great whelen parts are the best and the new linz6s are really bright and spread light well though the job on this camaro is not quality we will be building two camaros in the next coming months and will post what the car should look like if you would like to go to our website it is we have four locations columbia sc savannah ga augusta ga and atl ga
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Old 10-07-2009, 02:20 PM   #90
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Originally Posted by DGthe3 View Post
I'm 99% sure that idea is completely dead now.
The Chevy Caprice is back, its rear wheel drive and looks alot like a G8 or is it a Holden Commodore????? Check this site out.
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Old 10-07-2009, 05:31 PM   #91
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takes one to catch one!
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Old 10-12-2009, 06:28 PM   #92
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Originally Posted by MEPoPo View Post
The Chevy Caprice is back, its rear wheel drive and looks alot like a G8 or is it a Holden Commodore????? Check this site out.
what a difference a few weeks can make eh?
Note, if I've gotten any facts wrong in the above, just ignore any points I made with them
Originally Posted by FbodFather
My sister's dentist's brother's cousin's housekeeper's dog-breeder's nephew sells coffee filters to the company that provides coffee to General Motors......
........and HE WOULD KNOW!!!!

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Old 12-02-2009, 03:32 PM   #93
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Originally Posted by patriotpa View Post
Now they'll need to raise the ticket quotas to pay for it

Nah, that's highly doubtful, the regular cop cars are so much more expensive. The Ford interceptors are an outrageous price, and until the charger came out that's all they had. The charger, believe it or not, is about 15k less in price. Of course, the Camaro would be more than the charger, but none the less, it is still probably cheaper than the Ford.
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Old 02-11-2011, 02:39 AM   #94
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Originally Posted by halo8hkk View Post
no offense but yes. the majority of people who get pulled over are not endangering anyone. which is the real reason why speed limits are posted.
the problem is it has turned into a political money making thing. i have nothing agenst police officers, in fact i have several that are friends of mine. i respect what they have to put up with on a daily basis. my problem is if you are not endangering any one, going with the flow of traffic faster that the posted speed limit for example, it is not right to pull some one over for it. some cops are really cool and don't bother you but there are others that will give u a ticket. now if you are driving fast and aggressive you are endangering the public and you need to be pulled over. i guarantee you no one here monitors there speed every second, every one just goes with traffic. for example on my way home the speed limit is 40 i was doing 45 with traffic i didn't not realize that until i happened to look down. im sure this happens to everyone all the time. im not endangering anyone nether is the cars next to me. in fact it would be more endangering for me to slowdown in the middle of trafic. but these are the things that a undercover car will see and write tickets for, and that is my point more normal every day people not harming any one will get pulled over for. i dont want this to start any fights so im not going to post any more on this i just wanted to explane my point in more detail. so you can further understand my side of things. i dont expect any one to agree or disagree. thx for reading.

The biggest thing with your points is discretion, all officers have it. You stated that most of the people that get pulled over are not endangering anyone, that may be true. But what about the people that are intoxicated? They may not be hurting someone right at that specific moment, but they are extremely dangerous behind the wheel. I know that most people would reply to that fact with something to the effect of "yes, drunk drivers are dangerous and should be stopped". There lies the problem, everyone wants these 'violators' off the streets but when it comes to getting in trouble themselves, no one wants to stand up for their wrong-doings. Traffic stops are a necessary step to prevent crime from occurring. One of the reasons they are so necessary for drunk drivers alone is the number of intoxicated people operating vehicles on the nations roadways that never get caught. The most recent study that I have seen showed that on average a person drives intoxicated 140-180 times for every DWI they are caught for. That number is outrageous, fortunately politicians agree and have set aside funding to help prevent this behavior through traffic grants. New ways of catching people violating laws (not just DWI) are needed, and if that means a Camaro that is decked out, then so be it. Camaros are different and not seen everyday as a police cruiser.

Im not saying that I think a department should renovate their entire fleet to include the new Camaro, but the standard Crown Vic and the Charger are getting old, Crown Vics are going out of production, and I have read that the Charger isn't the safest vehicle to use as a patrol vehicle due to lack of visibility (I don't know first hand, I have not driven a Charger).

Also someone ( I don't know who) said that we (officers) don't need bigger and better cars, we need bigger guns and better armor. To a point I agree. Bigger guns will do nothing after a certain point. Short of departments issuing tactical shotguns instead of Glocks, Sigs, XD's, etc the size of the gun isn't going to change much. When/if an officer has to pull his weapon more often than not the person on the wrong end of the gun doesn't care if the officer is carrying a .22 or a .45, the barrel of any gun pointed at your melon looks huge.

Also, I'll go ahead and address the whole heavy duty aspect of the Camaro as a police unit. Police interceptors are put through hell everyday, plain and simple. Most departments run their vehicles 24/7/365, and on any given day each vehicle could go from sitting still running radar to 100 miles an hour or more to catch up to a vehicle that absolutely needs to be stopped; that may happen several times a day. So yes, the V-8 is a necessary add on as well as all of the heavy duty items associated with the package.

Also, it was pointed out that brakes should not be gone through that fast. The reason that they are gone though at that rate is the way that the cars are driven, let me rephrase that, the way the cars HAVE TO BE driven. No one wants to pick up the phone, dial 911, report that they have been *insert any crime you want that requires immediate 911 response* and have to wait that extra 3-5 minutes for help to get to them because the officers are worried about conserving the brakes on the vehicle for a longer lifecycle.

Lastly, not pulling over for a car that is signaling for you to pull over would result in one of a few different things. 1. the officer would call out the pursuit (even at 20 miles an hour, trust me, I've done it) 2. other units would respond 3. in the event that a marked car does not respond, you will probably be stop sticked (also means you get to buy new tires!! yay! ) 4. regardless of the timing of a marked unit your going to be ordered out of the car at gun point by at least one officer (but likely more than one). So your nice little commute turned from going home to going to jail.

I would like to point out that I read the forum all the way through and commented based off of memory, except the quoted portion. If I "bashed" on someones ideas I apologize, it was not intended to be that way.

With all that being said, I'm sure other officers would agree that this would be a nice car to have that would be able to serve its own purposes but not a practical vehicle to use as the sole cruiser for a department (based off of lack of transport abilities). But heavier duty police vehicles are necessary, buying new cars every year or two is crazy and expensive! A local county has went as far as trading out all of their Durangos and the remaining Crown Vics for F-250 crew cabs with a 6.7 L Power Stroke. They may be hell turning around, but they never stop!

Stay safe.

God Bless
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