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Old 12-27-2024, 07:08 PM   #1
Drives: 2015 RS Camaro
Join Date: Mar 2019
Location: Mckinney
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2015 V6 Oil Issue

Hello. Trying to figure out what's wrong. (I am aware I need to go to a mechanic, and I can get the code read at Autozone or elsewhere)...

Thank you in advance.

Ok, My oil change is within date. Full synthetic, good quality.

The 2015 seems to be running fine when I drive it.

No issues whatsoever, ever since I've owned it.


A few days ago my check engine light came on (solid)...Then...two more somewhat abnormal things happened.

When I was driving on my way to work this morning, My oil pressure was high even at idle.

Also, the oil temperature is In the safe range but higher than normal.

I went home and added a quart of oil just to be sure.

The oil temperature seemed to come down about 10 degrees, and now the oil pressure is seemingly back to it's normal range.

Again, no problems with the car...but normally a v6 Camaro has a message that would say..."Low engine oil"...and that is not the case here...

I am going to get the code read tomorrow, but I'm just asking if anyone has experienced this because I'm concerned about this...

I drive in the city, not too many miles. Is it possible that I need a new oil filter or oil change this soon?....I think I have 4 quarts...normally I have it filled to the max when I get it changed. The mechanics have always said: "I don't see this many in this good of condition" I'm kind of worried. I will try not to be fearful.

Any ideas about what is going on is appreciated?...oil temp got to 222 today..normally it's under may reach 220 at high speeds here in Texas, but that is very rare, even when the weather is over 100 Fahrenheit.

thank you. - Ben
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Old 12-29-2024, 04:59 PM   #2

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Did you check with the oil level with the dipstick? I assume the v6 has one,
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Old 12-30-2024, 08:47 AM   #3
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4 quarts seems low. My 13 v6 needs 6. A quick search shows you need 6 quarts as well. Check with your dipstick and add if needed.
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