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scruffyluv 03-27-2013 11:36 AM

DJ Grilles

This is my 1 year old DJ grille. The company says it is not at fault and thinks I used engine degreaser to clean my grille, or its the salt or alternative that has been put on the roads. Mind you, I was deployed 6 months last year so my car sat in my drive way while hubby got her shoes powder coated and he refused to drive her while I was gone. And I live in Virginia Beach were snow is something that doesnt happen often. The grille was installed last St Patricks day. DJ wants a $1000 deposit available on a cc while I send the grille back so they can determine whether its really my fault or their lack of proper painting. My husband is a NACE certified coating expert and he measured the depth of the paint on the grille at 3-5 mills deep. He says that not deep enough to last more than a few months. I am sharing this with all of you to let you know what is happening with me and the lack of help from DJ. Its not like I can just remove my grille from my car and send it to them!

on a side note... I shared these pics on FB and DJ wants them removed. After discussing this with fellow camaro friends it was decided we will not remove them untill DJ grilles comes up with a better solution! I am asking you here on C5 for your feedback... I am ready to buy a new grille and send it back to them because I refuse to advertise this grill for them any longer.
this is the grill right after install.
Moderators please place this in the correct location if this is the wrong forum.. thanks!

T4JEt 03-27-2013 11:46 AM

Thanks for sharing - they should replace for free based on your service alone! I value the feedback provided on this site and hope that DJ comes to respect your problem.

thespymaster 03-27-2013 02:11 PM

I'm not a spokesman for DJ Grilles period, I pay for my DJ Grilles just like you (ok.... better price point) but I do pay for them and I have not had the problem you've shown above, and I have 2 of the DJ Grilles and just got my third (HawkEye)

Sea salt (in the air) where you live? Can do this type of damage.... I lived in Daytona for 15 years, never drove on the beach, but the sea salt on the roads, etc causes premature rusting.

A weekend project, take off the grille, sand it down,and repaint!

zkdreads 03-27-2013 02:21 PM

that shouldnt rust PERIOD for only a year old. maaayyybee 5 years from now. thats bs. for as much as that cost i would blast them on fb, twitter, BBB, camaro5 and all. that is unacceptable. they should send you a new one. fix that one and sell it at a discounted price. both parties win!

meissen 03-27-2013 02:42 PM

Is DJ a sponsor on here? If so, I foresee this thread disappearing any any complaints being stifled.

Deke736 03-27-2013 02:50 PM

That definitely sucks! I would not be happy with this happening after just a year, especially for the cost of thier grills. Even if it was an environmental factor, like sea salt in the air, I am not sure how that's your problem. Definitely seems like a warranty problem. I hope they take care of you.

Behic2320 03-27-2013 02:55 PM

Yea thats bull I love that grille but just cant fork up that kind of dough for a grille and they wont honor a return thats BS especially when its there product at fault

thespymaster 03-27-2013 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by zkdreads (Post 6343401)
that shouldnt rust PERIOD for only a year old. maaayyybee 5 years from now. thats bs. for as much as that cost i would blast them on fb, twitter, BBB, camaro5 and all. that is unacceptable. they should send you a new one. fix that one and sell it at a discounted price. both parties win!

Alot of DJ Grilles on Camaros here on Camaro5, do others with the grille have the same problem?

thepirate 03-27-2013 03:21 PM

I only buy an item after reading lots of reviews and this sure hurts their case, (not that i was considering one anyways), but customer services and standing behind their product should be top priority. Even if it's not obviously their fault.

They don't seem very cool at all.

thespymaster 03-27-2013 03:22 PM

this is for the OP, I sent the owner of DJ Grilles your post above, and this was his response

"On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 1:13 PM, <> wrote:
I'm not sure this is an authentic DJ product . I have had some reports of counterfeit DJ branded products being sold. I told this person if they had prof of purchase to send it to us and I would replace it free of charge assuming they did not do this to the grille and it was one of ours . They never responded so I can only assume it is either fake or they did something to it the damage the finish

And before anyone replies "BS" on the counterfeit issue, several high profile vendors products have been counterfeited.

Deke736 03-27-2013 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by thespymaster (Post 6343821)
this is for the OP, I sent the owner of DJ Grilles your post above, and this was his response

"On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 1:13 PM, <> wrote:
I'm not sure this is an authentic DJ product . I have had some reports of counterfeit DJ branded products being sold. I told this person if they had prof of purchase to send it to us and I would replace it free of charge assuming they did not do this to the grille and it was one of ours . They never responded so I can only assume it is either fake or they did something to it the damage the finish."

And before anyone replies "BS" on the counterfeit issue, several high profile vendors products have been counterfeited.

I hope the OP does have a legit product and that DJ stands behind it, which they sound like they are. This is why the Camaro5 community is great- within a few hours of the original post Kelly gets a reponse from the owner of the company trying to make it right!

Nice job Kelly! :happy0180:

The_Grinch 03-27-2013 04:58 PM

Wow, I don't care what salt or degreaser got on this that paint should last for years before rusting of that extent even starts.

Interlux 03-27-2013 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by scruffyluv (Post 6341890)

My husband is a NACE certified coating expert and he measured the depth of the paint on the grille at 3-5 mills deep. He says that not deep enough to last more than a few months.

Why wouldn't 3-5 mills thick be enough? This isn't a paint or coating that's going anywhere.

I'm not NACE certified - but I formulate and test paint for Super Yachts - a lot more important and expensive than a car grille. Even for bottom paint which has to be repainted every year the suggested thickness is 3-5 mills. Not sure why you would need to be any thicker than that?

Even if it was thicker - that wouldn't prevent rusting - if it's going to rust it's going to rust. The thicker your paint just means it is hidden a little longer before you start to see creepage and such.

Just my thoughts on the paint job. I'm not arguing that something isn't wrong - it clearly is - just wondering why your husband thought 3-5 mills wasn't enough. Just curiousity since I work in the area.

Hope you get it resolved and thank you :army:for your service.

scruffyluv 03-27-2013 06:27 PM

[QUOTE=thespymaster;6343821]this is for the OP, I sent the owner of DJ Grilles your post above, and this was his response

"On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 1:13 PM, <> wrote:
I'm not sure this is an authentic DJ product . I have had some reports of counterfeit DJ branded products being sold. I told this person if they had prof of purchase to send it to us and I would replace it free of charge assuming they did not do this to the grille and it was one of ours . They never responded so I can only assume it is either fake or they did something to it the damage the finish."

Kelly the grill came from Phasteck. DJ wanted me to hold $1000 on a CC, send them my reciept AND send the grille back.. I cant do without a grill( I told them that) and I dont have cool grand to sit on a CC. I dont have the receipt but I DO have my bank statement with the payment of $1100 to Phasteck. Will is a NACE certified inspector and he took measurments that add up to barely any paint put on the grill. A response email is in the works. I want the grill off... I love yours, but I wont be a advertsing board for them. I thank you for emailing them, but did they mention how rude they were to me when they emailed me?? Couldnt even greet me in either email they sent.. no I am sorry but.. nothing.....

oh and I forgot to mention, they said they photos were inconclusive.......I fail to see how they are inconclusive to rusting??

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