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Old 06-12-2013, 04:58 PM   #375

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Originally Posted by ltrcola View Post
I feel like I need to put my own two cents in here. I understand what you're saying, and I'm sure that an awful lot of that kind of stuff goes on. People hate change, and people love to complain about stupid things. But I think it's really easy to fall into the trap of looking at everything through that lens and ignoring valid criticism.

This immediately came to mind with me because you used the steering wheel as an example and I don't think it's a good one. The 2010 steering wheel has a lot of issues. I personally think it looks cool, but it's not so easy on the hands and I drive with it every day. The ergonomic issues were a valid complaint. So you went about fixing it, which is good. But you just replaced one problem with another by swapping in an almost bog standard wheel. So now it feels fine but it doesn't look as nice. That wouldn't have stopped me from buying a new model, but it would bother me every time I looked at it. So both complaints were and are still valid even though people have moved on.

Now as for the styling of the refresh, I am in the camp that doesn't like it. My personal opinion is that the original designer did such a great job that there wasn't much that could be done for a major refresh to improve it. But, like with the steering wheel being out of the parts bin, the business dictated that the styling had to change. I get that. But it still makes me question the taste of the company that let it through and I don't think I could bring myself to buy one again. Just doesn't hit me in the heart the way it used to.

That just goes to show you that a group of perfectly competent people can still turn out a product that has issues. It happens for a lot of reasons. But please, please listen to your customers and evaluate each complaint objectively. Otherwise it can become a slow spiral down. And it has happened before to GM and the other American car companies and it wasn't pretty.
and I understand what you're saying.

Question: Have you seen the car IN PERSON?

I ask you this because I think you miss the point....ANY TIME you change something on Camaro (or Corvette) you get a lot of negative responses.

I've been at several shows now where we have them on display - and people who didn't like the pics are suddenly liking what they see.

And as to evaluating complaints - I believe we do that. That said, I also think it's appropriate to sometimes bring people 'back to earth' so to speak....and thus my remarks.
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