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Old 12-10-2008, 03:15 PM   #1
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Per Fbodfather - "Take action"

Good morning, Camaro Comrades and Firebird Friends......

First: I must make it very clear that the following is MY viewpoint and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the company for which I work.

I haven't, up to this point, asked each of you to write to your representatives -- because I know we all have our personal thoughts about how we've gotten into the economic mess in which we find ourselves.

I will be the first to admit that GM has made some bad mistakes over the years -- but I do NOT believe that we're a company that has refused to change -- because I've witnessed unprecedented change over the past few years.

I also believe that the United States SIMPLY CANNOT afford to have all three of our Domestic Automobile Manufacturers go into bankruptcy.

I'm not going to give you all the facts and figures -because I don't have the time right now to set all of the records straight.

I've never seen such distortion of the truth -- coupled with out-and-out lies.

I CAN tell you that there is more misinformation out there than there is fact.

I CAN tell you that the Domestic Auto Industry cruised along at about 17 million units a year for the past 5 years. (that means total number of cars and trucks sold -- including foreign brands -- each year in the U.S. Market)

I CAN tell you that GM changed the way we do business in may respects.........and I can tell you that HAD the market dropped to about 13.7 million units a year, we'd be OK.

I can also tell you that I don't think anyone saw the housing crisis coming -- followed by $4.00 a gallon gas -- and then a melt-down of our financial institutions.

With these three disasters, the simple fact is that the market has dropped below 11 million units a year. Couple that with the inabilitiy for many Americans to get financing to BUY a new car or truck -- and we have what I'd call 'The Perfect Storm.'

Our Elected Officials -- the very ones who spend billions on "Pork Barrel Spending" -- the ones who vote themselves payraises with regularity - the ones who will retire with an unbelieveable retirement plan -- and the very ones who have put us into TRILLIONS of dollars of debt -- ........ felt it was in the country's best interests to loan our Financial Institutions well over 800 Billion dollars -- with no oversight to speak of. You didn't see them bring Wall Street Barons into Washington and publicly humiliate them.

Select Elected Officials are now working diligently to put together an emergency loan (let me repeat that: LOAN - ) and it appears that the Whitehouse agrees and supports it.


--Enter a few people who want to Fillibuster..............

One person in particular, Senator Richard Shelby of Alabama is very actively threatening to derail any kind of emergency loan.

What he HASN'T told you is that he, along with others, provided over $670 million dollars (that we know of) of taxpayer money to entice Diamler, Honda, and Hyundai to build plants in his state.

I hold nothing against the Great Citizens of Alabama -- and in fact have several relatives that live in Alabama -- not to mention many Camaro/Firebird Friends that live there -- and I certainly don't want to start a boycott against that state -

But I DO ask you to do three things:

1.) Go to:

.....and read thru the site -- it was put together very quickly -- and gives you some interesting insight in terms of 'setting the record straight' after the Senator's Tirade against Ford, Chrysler, and GM.

2.) PLEASE CLICK ON "FACT & FICTION" -- and see how the Senator has distorted -- and, in some cases, outright misled the public..........

and then

3.) click on "TAKE ACTION" where you'll see phone numbers and email addresses on how to contact the Senator - and the Alabama Chamber of Commerce.

I repeat: I am not asking you to boycott Alabama -- but I AM asking you to make it clear to everyone that the Senator has not told the truth - and that America has had it!

On behalf of all those who work for GM/Ford/Chrysler -- the hundreds of thousands that work for our dealership network -- and the millions who work for our suppliers -- I THANK YOU for your time.


(P.S. - I'm including a note from a Ford Dealer that was sent to Senator Shelby -- good reading!)



Please call or send an email to Senator Shelby’s office and the Alabama Chamber of Commerce advising them that you are supporting the boycott and will not spend any money in or from the state. Agreeing with our website is not enough. It is imperative that you contact the Alabama representatives listed below so that they know we mean business. And please email this website to your friends and neighbors. Also, don’t forget to contact your local representative urging them to support the assistance.
ph: 202-224-5744
(This is the Alabama Chamber of Commerce)
ph: 334-834-6000


As I watch the coverage of the fate of the U.S. auto industry, one alarming and frustrating fact hits me right between the eyes. The fate of our nation's economic survival is in the hands of some congressmen who are completely out of touch and act without knowledge of an industry that affects almost every person in our nation. The same lack of knowledge is shared with many journalists whom are irresponsible when influencing the opinion of millions of viewers.

Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama has doomed the industry, calling it a dinosaur. No Mr. Shelby, you are the dinosaur, with ideas stuck in the '70s, '80s and '90s. You and the uninformed journalist and senators that hold onto myths that are not relevant in today's world.
When you say that the Big Three build vehicles nobody wants to buy, you must have overlooked that GM outsold Toyota by about 1.2 million vehicles in the U.S. and Ford outsold Honda by 850,000 and Nissan by 1.2 million in the U.S. GM was the world's No. 1 automaker beating Toyota by 3,000 units.

When you claim inferior quality comes from the Big Three, did you realize that Chevy makes the Malibu and Ford makes the Fusion that were both rated over the Camry and Accord by J.D. Power independent survey on initial quality? Did you bother to read the Consumer Report that rated Ford on par with good Japanese automakers.

Did you realize Big Three's gas guzzlers include the 33 mpg Malibu that beats the Accord. And for '09 Ford introduces the Hybrid Fusion whose 39 mpg is the best midsize, beating the Camry Hybrid. Ford's Focus beats the Corolla and Chevy's Cobalt beats the Civic.
When you ask how many times are we going to bail them out you must be referring to 1980. The only Big Three bailout was Chrysler, who paid back $1 billion, plus interest. GM and Ford have never received government aid.

When you criticize the Big Three for building so many pickups, surely you've noticed the attempts Toyota and Nissan have made spending billions to try to get a piece of that pie. Perhaps it bothers you that for 31 straight years Ford's F-Series has been the best selling vehicle. Ford and GM have dominated this market and when you see the new '09 F-150 you'll agree this won't change soon.
Did you realize that both GM and Ford offer more hybrid models than Nissan or Honda. Between 2005 and 2007, Ford alone has invested more than $22 billion in research and development of technologies such as Eco Boost, flex fuel, clean diesel, hybrids, plug in hybrids and hydrogen cars.
It's 2008 and the quality of the vehicles coming out of Detroit are once again the best in the world.

Perhaps Sen. Shelby isn't really that blind. Maybe he realizes the quality shift to American. Maybe it's the fact that his state of Alabama has given so much to land factories from Honda, Hyundai and Mercedes Benz that he is more concerned about their continued growth than he is about the people of our country. Sen. Shelby's disdain for "government subsidies" is very hypocritical. In the early '90s he was the driving force behind a $253 million incentive package to Mercedes. Plus, Alabama agreed to purchase 2,500 vehicles from Mercedes. While the bridge loan the Big Three is requesting will be paid back, Alabama's $180,000-plus per job was pure incentive. Sen. Shelby, not only are you out of touch, you are a self-serving hypocrite, who is prepared to ruin our nation because of lack of knowledge and lack of due diligence in making your opinions and decisions.

After 9/11, the Detroit Three and Harley Davidson gave $40 million-plus emergency vehicles to the recovery efforts. What was given to the 9/11 relief effort by the Asian and European Auto Manufactures? $0 Nada. Zip
We live in a world of free trade, world economy and we have not been able to produce products as cost efficiently. While the governments of other auto producing nations subsidize their automakers, our government may be ready to force its demise. While our automakers have paid union wages, benefits and legacy debt, our Asian competitors employ cheap labor. We are at an extreme disadvantage in production cost. Although many UAW concessions begin in 2010, many lawmakers think it's not enough.

Some point the blame to corporate management. I would like to speak of Ford Motor Co. The company has streamlined by reducing our workforce by 51,000 since 2005, closing 17 plants and cutting expenses. Product and future product is excellent and the company is focused on one Ford. This is a company poised for success. Ford product quality and corporate management have improved light years since the nightmare of Jacques Nasser. Thank you Alan Mulally and the best auto company management team in the business.

The financial collapse caused by the secondary mortgage fiasco and the greed of Wall Street has led to a $700 billion bailout of the industry that created the problem. AIG spent nearly $1 million on three company excursions to lavish resorts and hunting destinations. Paulson is saying no to $250 billion foreclosure relief and the whole thing is a mess. So when the Big Three ask for 4 percent of that of the $700 billion, $25 billion to save the country's largest industry, there is obviously oppositions. But does it make sense to reward the culprits of the problem with $700 billion unconditionally, and ignore the victims?

As a Ford dealer, I feel our portion of the $25 billion will never be touched and is not necessary. Ford currently has $29 billion of liquidity. However, the effect of a bankruptcy by GM will hurt the suppliers we all do business with. A Chapter 11 bankruptcy by any manufacture would cost retirees their health care and retirements. Chances are GM would recover from Chapter 11 with a better business plan with much less expense. So who foots the bill if GM or all three go Chapter 11? All that extra health care, unemployment, loss of tax base and some forgiven debt goes back to the taxpayer, us. With no chance of repayment, this would be much worse than a loan with the intent of repayment.
So while it is debatable whether a loan or Chapter 11 is better for the Big Three, a $25 billion loan is definitely better for the taxpayers and the economy of our country.

So I'll end where I began on the quality of the products of Detroit. Before you, Mr. or Ms. Journalist continue to misinform the American public and turn them against one of the great industries that helped build this nation, I must ask you one question. Before you, Mr. or Madam Congressman vote to end health care and retirement benefits for 1 million retirees, eliminate 2.5 million of our nation's jobs, lose the technology that will lead us in the future and create an economic disaster including hundreds of billions of tax dollars lost, I ask this question not in the rhetorical sense. I ask it in the sincere, literal way. Can you tell me, have you driven a Ford lately?

Jim *******,
******* Fordland

It's time for us to unite people and do our part.
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Old 12-10-2008, 03:49 PM   #2
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Old 12-10-2008, 04:16 PM   #3
killer bAnana
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done part 2. now its on to forwarding the link to one and all

F this D! for his false statements of the American Auto Industry and self interest in a crappy time. A hole

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Old 12-10-2008, 04:22 PM   #4
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Amen! Moose....:flag2:
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Old 12-10-2008, 04:31 PM   #5
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Feels good to be active. Very well written by the Ford dealer, though almost no mention of Chrysler, other than their previous government assistance.
If you believe it is your right to speak freely no matter the content, relevance, or intelligence of statement, then it is my duty to the powers that be to set you straight.

People have to talk about something just to keep their voice boxes in working order. So they'll have good voice boxes in case there's ever anything really meaningful to say.
Kurt Vonnegut
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Old 12-10-2008, 05:29 PM   #6
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picking up rather slow...
everyone has an opinion but when it comes to doing something about it, people hesitate

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Old 12-10-2008, 06:30 PM   #7
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Old 12-10-2008, 07:48 PM   #8
Inspector 17
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Sent a note to Shelby earlier this week when I read he was going to try to stop the bill. What an idiot. That sadest part is that we elect people like this. Let this be a lesson to everyone on here. Get to know your government officials at every level and use your vote to keep idiots out of office.
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Old 12-10-2008, 08:20 PM   #9

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Done - wow - that letter was very well written. I let the senator know my thoughts - even if I don't live in his state.
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Old 12-10-2008, 08:24 PM   #10
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My Response to Sen Shelby

Done. Below is the note I sent along. Not eloquent but to the point. Much better than the profanity laced email I wanted to send and will send if this doesn't pass.

Dear Senator Shelby,

We can not lose the last significant manufacturing base we have in this country. Please reconsider your position and vote in favor of the LOAN. If we end up with only service jobs as the basis for our economy, we will end up at the mercy of every other industrialized nation in the world. Remember we became a world super power as a result of our engineering and manufacturing capabilities, not due to health care, food services or retail (the only things that will be left if we let the Big Three fail).

Sure we have foreign manufacturers producing vehicles and creating jobs in the USA. The fact is however that they still import more cars than they produce here. Additionally many of the support functions are done overseas and most of the profits are sent back to their home countries. As you may know, vehicle assembly is a relatively insignificant portion of the overall "value add" process in automotive manufacturing. Please stop trying to fool the American public into believing these are American vehicles produced in your state of Alabama.

I do agree with you that the Big Three need to reduce their cost structures to be more competitive. I do NOT believe however that they lack high quality, reliable, well engineered, desirable and fuel efficient automobiles. All you need to do is read JD Power and Consumer Reports. Given the opportunity to make it through these dire times that we now all face, I firmly trust that they will come out stronger and leaner and FULLY pay back the LOANs granted to them by the USA government.

No I don't live in Alabama, so I will never have the opportunity to vote you out of office if you vote against this loan, so maybe this email means nothing to you. However, I feel it is important that you know that there are people in our great nation that are in favor of this.

Lastly, in case you were wondering, I do not work in the automotive industry.

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Old 12-10-2008, 09:12 PM   #11
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done. Letter signed with name and address:

Dear Senator Shelby,

Let me start this by saying that while I am not a resident of Alabama, I have now made a decision to refrain from purchasing any product or service from a company that is based in Alabama. I do this because of your stance on the Detroit Three Automotive Loans. If you care to understand why, please read below.

I have been following the Hearings on the request by the Detroit Three for a $25 Billion Dollar LOAN which have been shown on CSPAN.

I am very disturbed that you find it necessary to try and block this LOAN which represents 4% of the $700 Billion that Congress gave away so easily to Financial institutions. The same financial institutions that were not required to attend hearings to request the money, were not required to submit Business Plans, and were not required to submit to oversight by Congress. These were the institutions that held lavish parties after receiving the funds and instead of using the money given to them by Congress to open up the credit market, they are now buying up other financial instutions.

I find it very hypocritical that you have used Millions of taxpayer dollars to lure three foreign automotive manufacturers (Honda, Hyundai, and Mercedes) to the State of Alabama which will not be paid back, yet you threaten to filibuster the current Loan request. The Illinois Governor has recently made the news for corruption and trying to use his position for his own personal gain. The way it looks to me is that you care about Alabama, and the three foreign automotive manufacturers in your State perhaps more than you care about The United States as a whole.

What is going to happen to all the car dealers and other businesses directly or indirectly related to the domestic automotive industry in Alabama? Do you think they'll last long if one or more of the Detroit Three go bankrupt? I believe more people will be affected in Alabama by this crisis, then the number of people employed by your precious foreign automotive manufacturers.

I implore you to reconsider your decision and VOTE FOR the Loan. Thank you for your time.

Cancelled the 2010 SS/RS (for now) and bought this instead (2009 Harley FLHX)
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Old 12-10-2008, 09:28 PM   #12

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Originally Posted by Moose View Post
Good morning, Camaro Comrades and Firebird Friends......

First: I must make it very clear that the following is MY viewpoint and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the company for which I work.

I haven't, up to this point, asked each of you to write to your representatives -- because I know we all have our personal thoughts about how we've gotten into the economic mess in which we find ourselves.

I will be the first to admit that GM has made some bad mistakes over the years -- but I do NOT believe that we're a company that has refused to change -- because I've witnessed unprecedented change over the past few years.

I also believe that the United States SIMPLY CANNOT afford to have all three of our Domestic Automobile Manufacturers go into bankruptcy.

I'm not going to give you all the facts and figures -because I don't have the time right now to set all of the records straight.

I've never seen such distortion of the truth -- coupled with out-and-out lies.

I CAN tell you that there is more misinformation out there than there is fact.

I CAN tell you that the Domestic Auto Industry cruised along at about 17 million units a year for the past 5 years. (that means total number of cars and trucks sold -- including foreign brands -- each year in the U.S. Market)

I CAN tell you that GM changed the way we do business in may respects.........and I can tell you that HAD the market dropped to about 13.7 million units a year, we'd be OK.

I can also tell you that I don't think anyone saw the housing crisis coming -- followed by $4.00 a gallon gas -- and then a melt-down of our financial institutions.

With these three disasters, the simple fact is that the market has dropped below 11 million units a year. Couple that with the inabilitiy for many Americans to get financing to BUY a new car or truck -- and we have what I'd call 'The Perfect Storm.'

Our Elected Officials -- the very ones who spend billions on "Pork Barrel Spending" -- the ones who vote themselves payraises with regularity - the ones who will retire with an unbelieveable retirement plan -- and the very ones who have put us into TRILLIONS of dollars of debt -- ........ felt it was in the country's best interests to loan our Financial Institutions well over 800 Billion dollars -- with no oversight to speak of. You didn't see them bring Wall Street Barons into Washington and publicly humiliate them.

Select Elected Officials are now working diligently to put together an emergency loan (let me repeat that: LOAN - ) and it appears that the Whitehouse agrees and supports it.


--Enter a few people who want to Fillibuster..............

One person in particular, Senator Richard Shelby of Alabama is very actively threatening to derail any kind of emergency loan.

What he HASN'T told you is that he, along with others, provided over $670 million dollars (that we know of) of taxpayer money to entice Diamler, Honda, and Hyundai to build plants in his state.

I hold nothing against the Great Citizens of Alabama -- and in fact have several relatives that live in Alabama -- not to mention many Camaro/Firebird Friends that live there -- and I certainly don't want to start a boycott against that state -

But I DO ask you to do three things:

1.) Go to:

.....and read thru the site -- it was put together very quickly -- and gives you some interesting insight in terms of 'setting the record straight' after the Senator's Tirade against Ford, Chrysler, and GM.

2.) PLEASE CLICK ON "FACT & FICTION" -- and see how the Senator has distorted -- and, in some cases, outright misled the public..........

and then

3.) click on "TAKE ACTION" where you'll see phone numbers and email addresses on how to contact the Senator - and the Alabama Chamber of Commerce.

I repeat: I am not asking you to boycott Alabama -- but I AM asking you to make it clear to everyone that the Senator has not told the truth - and that America has had it!

On behalf of all those who work for GM/Ford/Chrysler -- the hundreds of thousands that work for our dealership network -- and the millions who work for our suppliers -- I THANK YOU for your time.


(P.S. - I'm including a note from a Ford Dealer that was sent to Senator Shelby -- good reading!)



Please call or send an email to Senator Shelby’s office and the Alabama Chamber of Commerce advising them that you are supporting the boycott and will not spend any money in or from the state. Agreeing with our website is not enough. It is imperative that you contact the Alabama representatives listed below so that they know we mean business. And please email this website to your friends and neighbors. Also, don’t forget to contact your local representative urging them to support the assistance.
ph: 202-224-5744
(This is the Alabama Chamber of Commerce)
ph: 334-834-6000


As I watch the coverage of the fate of the U.S. auto industry, one alarming and frustrating fact hits me right between the eyes. The fate of our nation's economic survival is in the hands of some congressmen who are completely out of touch and act without knowledge of an industry that affects almost every person in our nation. The same lack of knowledge is shared with many journalists whom are irresponsible when influencing the opinion of millions of viewers.

Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama has doomed the industry, calling it a dinosaur. No Mr. Shelby, you are the dinosaur, with ideas stuck in the '70s, '80s and '90s. You and the uninformed journalist and senators that hold onto myths that are not relevant in today's world.
When you say that the Big Three build vehicles nobody wants to buy, you must have overlooked that GM outsold Toyota by about 1.2 million vehicles in the U.S. and Ford outsold Honda by 850,000 and Nissan by 1.2 million in the U.S. GM was the world's No. 1 automaker beating Toyota by 3,000 units.

When you claim inferior quality comes from the Big Three, did you realize that Chevy makes the Malibu and Ford makes the Fusion that were both rated over the Camry and Accord by J.D. Power independent survey on initial quality? Did you bother to read the Consumer Report that rated Ford on par with good Japanese automakers.

Did you realize Big Three's gas guzzlers include the 33 mpg Malibu that beats the Accord. And for '09 Ford introduces the Hybrid Fusion whose 39 mpg is the best midsize, beating the Camry Hybrid. Ford's Focus beats the Corolla and Chevy's Cobalt beats the Civic.
When you ask how many times are we going to bail them out you must be referring to 1980. The only Big Three bailout was Chrysler, who paid back $1 billion, plus interest. GM and Ford have never received government aid.

When you criticize the Big Three for building so many pickups, surely you've noticed the attempts Toyota and Nissan have made spending billions to try to get a piece of that pie. Perhaps it bothers you that for 31 straight years Ford's F-Series has been the best selling vehicle. Ford and GM have dominated this market and when you see the new '09 F-150 you'll agree this won't change soon.
Did you realize that both GM and Ford offer more hybrid models than Nissan or Honda. Between 2005 and 2007, Ford alone has invested more than $22 billion in research and development of technologies such as Eco Boost, flex fuel, clean diesel, hybrids, plug in hybrids and hydrogen cars.
It's 2008 and the quality of the vehicles coming out of Detroit are once again the best in the world.

Perhaps Sen. Shelby isn't really that blind. Maybe he realizes the quality shift to American. Maybe it's the fact that his state of Alabama has given so much to land factories from Honda, Hyundai and Mercedes Benz that he is more concerned about their continued growth than he is about the people of our country. Sen. Shelby's disdain for "government subsidies" is very hypocritical. In the early '90s he was the driving force behind a $253 million incentive package to Mercedes. Plus, Alabama agreed to purchase 2,500 vehicles from Mercedes. While the bridge loan the Big Three is requesting will be paid back, Alabama's $180,000-plus per job was pure incentive. Sen. Shelby, not only are you out of touch, you are a self-serving hypocrite, who is prepared to ruin our nation because of lack of knowledge and lack of due diligence in making your opinions and decisions.

After 9/11, the Detroit Three and Harley Davidson gave $40 million-plus emergency vehicles to the recovery efforts. What was given to the 9/11 relief effort by the Asian and European Auto Manufactures? $0 Nada. Zip
We live in a world of free trade, world economy and we have not been able to produce products as cost efficiently. While the governments of other auto producing nations subsidize their automakers, our government may be ready to force its demise. While our automakers have paid union wages, benefits and legacy debt, our Asian competitors employ cheap labor. We are at an extreme disadvantage in production cost. Although many UAW concessions begin in 2010, many lawmakers think it's not enough.

Some point the blame to corporate management. I would like to speak of Ford Motor Co. The company has streamlined by reducing our workforce by 51,000 since 2005, closing 17 plants and cutting expenses. Product and future product is excellent and the company is focused on one Ford. This is a company poised for success. Ford product quality and corporate management have improved light years since the nightmare of Jacques Nasser. Thank you Alan Mulally and the best auto company management team in the business.

The financial collapse caused by the secondary mortgage fiasco and the greed of Wall Street has led to a $700 billion bailout of the industry that created the problem. AIG spent nearly $1 million on three company excursions to lavish resorts and hunting destinations. Paulson is saying no to $250 billion foreclosure relief and the whole thing is a mess. So when the Big Three ask for 4 percent of that of the $700 billion, $25 billion to save the country's largest industry, there is obviously oppositions. But does it make sense to reward the culprits of the problem with $700 billion unconditionally, and ignore the victims?

As a Ford dealer, I feel our portion of the $25 billion will never be touched and is not necessary. Ford currently has $29 billion of liquidity. However, the effect of a bankruptcy by GM will hurt the suppliers we all do business with. A Chapter 11 bankruptcy by any manufacture would cost retirees their health care and retirements. Chances are GM would recover from Chapter 11 with a better business plan with much less expense. So who foots the bill if GM or all three go Chapter 11? All that extra health care, unemployment, loss of tax base and some forgiven debt goes back to the taxpayer, us. With no chance of repayment, this would be much worse than a loan with the intent of repayment.
So while it is debatable whether a loan or Chapter 11 is better for the Big Three, a $25 billion loan is definitely better for the taxpayers and the economy of our country.

So I'll end where I began on the quality of the products of Detroit. Before you, Mr. or Ms. Journalist continue to misinform the American public and turn them against one of the great industries that helped build this nation, I must ask you one question. Before you, Mr. or Madam Congressman vote to end health care and retirement benefits for 1 million retirees, eliminate 2.5 million of our nation's jobs, lose the technology that will lead us in the future and create an economic disaster including hundreds of billions of tax dollars lost, I ask this question not in the rhetorical sense. I ask it in the sincere, literal way. Can you tell me, have you driven a Ford lately?

Jim *******,
******* Fordland

It's time for us to unite people and do our part.
Update...Build in process, Forged Rods, Pistons and rings, Johnson Lifters, NOVI1500 ECS SC, 13lb boost or more, LS3 Conversion 114/228/241 COMP CAM, Frostbite 4 row Aluminum radiator, 6L80 built, Circle D 6L80 PRO SERIES MULTI 258MM 2D, Stock 3.45 gears, 1-7/8 American Racing Headers w/HF cat, X-Pipe, Lingenfelter dual fuel pump, E-85 flex sensor, ATI super damper pulley, Ported TB, 160 therm, Trans cooler, Pedder's sways/end links/sub frame bushings, BMR trailing arms & toe rods, Coil overs. HP/TQ pending
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Old 12-11-2008, 10:49 AM   #13

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I sent my response yesterday, and this is the response I got--I don't live in Alabama, so he clearing does not care what I have to say as a US citizen.

Thank you for your recent e-mail message to my office. I am glad you took the time to contact me. I am always interested in receiving the views of Alabamians, and responding to my constituents is a top priority of my office.

Because of the high volume of e-mail I receive daily, everyone who sends me an e-mail message will be sent this automated response acknowledging receipt. This is not a final response to your email. If you are an Alabama constituent and you provided your full name and complete postal address (street number, street name, city, state and zip code), you will receive a response addressing your email as soon as possible.

However, if you did not include your full name and complete postal address in your original e-mail to me and you are an Alabama constituent who wants a response, please e-mail your original comments from your previous email *and* your full name and complete postal address in the following format:

Pat Doe
123 Anywhere Street
Somewhere, AL 12345
(256) 555-1212

Again, thank you for contacting me.

Richard C. Shelby
United States Senator
P.S. - Please sign up to receive regular e-mail updates from me on issues of importance to you by logging on to:
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Old 12-11-2008, 10:58 AM   #14
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I hope his office is overflowing with these emails.
And if he has even a speck of decency left in him, he has a policy of reading every last one of them...otherwise...he's ignoring the American People.....
"Keep the faith." - Fbodfather
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