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Old 03-07-2010, 08:29 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Skyman 08 View Post
Another thing to consider. if you plan on traveling much, you better watch the local laws for where you are traveling through or to. you can get nailed other places even if your car is legal where you live...
hold on, let me find it, oh here we go .
don't talk about stuff you don't know. you CANNOT get "nailed" in different states, for things such as tint, license plate covers, and tail light tint. But, I am always open to be proven wrong, if you can provide the truth, I will erase my message. Seeing as my dad is a cop here in Tennessee, and he told me that you can't do that to people who have out of state plates.

So, to conclude, what you say is , but feel free to show me some facts.
Saving up for a camaro.

Dream camaro is either a 1/2SS with RS, black with red stripes, or red with white stripes.

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Old 03-07-2010, 09:31 AM   #30
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Thank you to the LEOs that have posted in this thread.
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Old 03-07-2010, 10:22 AM   #31
Angrybird 12
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Originally Posted by HondaPowered View Post
hold on, let me find it, oh here we go .
don't talk about stuff you don't know. you CANNOT get "nailed" in different states, for things such as tint, license plate covers, and tail light tint. But, I am always open to be proven wrong, if you can provide the truth, I will erase my message. Seeing as my dad is a cop here in Tennessee, and he told me that you can't do that to people who have out of state plates.

So, to conclude, what you say is , but feel free to show me some facts.
You didn't read my second post, I was refering to a friend I was with that got pulled over in another state for loud mufflers, So all I can go on is from my experience. Maybe not in Tennessee but we were not in Tennessee when he got pulled over.. maybe that cop was just harassing him because he was from out of state, but it has happened and I was a witness.. Don't call BS cause you were not there... if you don't want to believe me that it can happen then don't, I was just giving you a warning just in case it happens so you don't get pissed at the cop that pulls you over cause your car is OK where you live..

After some extensive resarch (you can look it up for yourself if you don't believe me), it seems that some states will and can cite you and others won't..Depends on the equipment (that includes tint, taillights etc), But in most cases you if you do get cited you would have to appear in their local court to to show your car is in compliance with your state's or community law. then it would be dismissed.

One thing I want to ask, is when you enter some cities in Tennessee, they will have a sign that says "Noise ordinance enforced" do they just put that sign there for the people that live there? or is it for everyone that passes through that city?

Here is the Kingsport Tennesse Noise ordinance, there is no exemption for vehicles from out of town or the state.

Sec. 102-632. Short title.
This article shall be known and may be cited as the "Kingsport Motor Vehicle Noise Abatement Ordinance of 1980."
(Code 1981, § 14-431)

Sec. 102-633. Findings and declaration of necessity.
It is found and declared that:
(1) The making and creation of excessive, unnecessary or unusually loud noises by motor vehicles within the limits of the city is a condition that has existed for some time and the level and intensity of such noises are increasing.
(2) The making and creation of such excessive noises are a detriment to the public health, comfort, convenience, safety, welfare and prosperity of the residents of the city.
(3) The necessity in the public interest for the provisions and prohibitions contained and enacted in this article is declared as a matter of legislative determination and public policy, and it is further declared that the provisions and prohibitions contained and enacted in this article are in pursuance of and for the purpose of securing and promoting the public health, comfort, safety, welfare and repose of the city and its inhabitants.
(Code 1981, § 14-432)

Sec. 102-634. Enforcement.
(a) Any certified officer of the city who has determined, by use of a sound meter test as provided in this article, that the prohibitions of this article have been violated shall issue a summons to the operator of the vehicle or motorboat in question, requiring him to appear before the city judge, as in the case of other offenses against the city, at a date and time certain to answer the charge. However, the officer in each case shall inform the operator to be charged with the offense that (i) the operator has the option of first appearing at a place and time designated by the officer prior to the date the operator is to appear in court for a second noise meter test of the vehicle or motorboat in question; and (ii) if the operator elects to schedule a second test, but fails to appear, with the vehicle or motorboat, at the scheduled time and place, he will be conclusively presumed to have committed the violation alleged in the summons. The fact that the operator has been so informed as specified in this subsection, together with his acceptance or rejection of the second test option, shall appear upon the face of all copies of the summons, together with the date, time and place the second test, if any, is scheduled. No test shall be scheduled to take place less than 72 hours following the date and time of the issuance of the summons. If the operator fails to appear for the scheduled test, the testing officer shall note the failure to appear on the reverse side of the original summons and transmit the summons to the court. Such failure to appear shall create a conclusive presumption that the operator was in violation of this article at the date and time the summons was originally issued, and all copies of the summons shall contain, at the time of issuance, a written statement, on the face thereof or appended thereto, setting forth the presumption. If the operator appears with the vehicle or motorboat for the second test as set forth in this subsection, the testing officer shall conduct a sound level meter test of the vehicle as provided in this article and shall note the results of the test, together with any other comments the officer may have, on the reverse side of the original summons. Such comments may include, if appropriate, a recommendation that bond be reduced. The summons shall then be transmitted to the court as in other cases, and the results of the second test, together with the officer's comments, shall be evidence at the hearing.
(b) Any certified officer having probable cause to believe that a violation of this article has been committed in his presence, regardless of whether a sound meter test was used to determine such violation, shall likewise issue a summons to the operator of the vehicle or motorboat in question, requiring such operator to appear and answer the charge. However, when the summons is issued without a sound meter test as provided in this article, the officer shall require the operator to first appear at a designated time and place not less than 72 hours following the date and time of the issuance of the summons for a sound meter test of the vehicle or motorboat in question. Such cases shall otherwise proceed in the same manner as cases under subsection (a) of this section wherein the summons is first issued pursuant to sound meter tests, and the presumption of violation arising from failure to appear for the designated test shall likewise apply.
(c) The authority to issue summonses for violations of subsections 102-636(a)(1) and (3) pertaining to the operation of motor vehicles without a muffling device and the sounding of any horn or signaling device except as a danger warning shall not be confined to certified officers as defined in this article, but any police officer is empowered to issue summonses for violations of the subsections.
(Code 1981, § 14-439)

Sec. 102-635. Compliance required.
It shall be unlawful, except as expressly permitted in this article, for any person to operate a motor vehicle so as to make, cause or allow the making of any noise or sound upon any street, highway or public parking area or upon any private parking area within the boundaries of the city, which noise or sound exceeds the limits set forth in this article. It shall further be unlawful, except as expressly permitted in this article, to operate any motorboat so as to make, cause or allow the making of any noise or sound upon any public waterway within the boundaries of the city, which noise or sound exceeds the limits set forth in this article.
(Code 1981, § 14-434)

Sec. 102-636. Noises specifically prohibited.
(a) Vehicle noise. Under this article, vehicle noise is prohibited as follows:
(1) No person shall operate or permit to be operated a motor vehicle without a muffling device at least as effective as that installed as original equipment by the manufacturer.
(2) No person shall operate or permit to be operated a vehicle at any time under any condition of roadway grade, load, acceleration or deceleration in such a manner as to generate a sound level in excess of the following limits, when measured at a distance of at least 25 feet from a noise source located within the applicable street, highway or parking area:
a. For any motor vehicle with a GVWR or GCWR of 10,000 pounds or more to be subject to the standards authorized by 42 USC 4917 and specified in 40 CFR 202.10 et seq., the limits specified in the regulation, as amended from time to time by the Federal Highway Administration.
b. For any motorcycle as defined in this article, 85 dBA.
c. For any other motor vehicle not included in subsection (a)(2)a of this section, 80 dBA.
(3) The sounding of any horn or signaling device, except as a danger warning, is prohibited.
(b) Motorboat noise. No person shall operate or permit to be operated any motorboat in or upon any public waterways within the boundaries of the city in such a matter as to exceed 86 dBA, measured at a distance of 50 feet from the motorboat.
(Code 1981, § 14-435)

Sec. 102-637. Exceptions and exclusions.
The prohibitions of this article shall not apply to any of the following:
(1) The operation of warning or emergency signal devices such as horns, sirens and bells when utilized for their intended purpose.
(2) The operation of any authorized emergency vehicle as defined in this article.
(3) The operation of any motor vehicle or motorboat within the course and scope of any sanctioned function as defined in this article; provided, however, a permit for the operation of such motor vehicle or motorboat during the course of such sanctioned function is first obtained from the police department for the operation of such motorboat or motor vehicle, as a part of such sanctioned function. The permits contemplated by this subsection may be issued in such form as the city manager or his designee may from time to time prescribe, but such form shall in any event specify the following:
a. The sanctioned function pursuant to which the permit is issued;
b. The name of the person to whom the permit is issued;
c. A description of the motor vehicle or motorboat to be exempted from this article during the course of the function;
d. The name of the operator thereof;
e. The date of the function; and
f. The duration, expressed in hours, of the permit.
(Code 1981, § 14-436)

Sec. 102-638. Measurement of noise.
(a) Vehicles. The measurement of sound or noise for a vehicle shall be made with a sound level meter. Such meter shall be maintained in calibration and good working order. A calibration check shall be made of the system at the time of any noise measurement. Measurements recorded on such meter shall be taken so as to provide a proper representation of the noise source. The microphone during measurement shall be positioned so as not to create any unnatural enhancement or diminution of the measured noise. A windscreen for the microphone shall be used at all times. Sound level meter settings shall be for fast response.
(b) Motorboats. Testing procedures employed to determine the measurement of sound or noise emitted from any motorboat shall be in accordance with the exterior sound level measurement procedure for pleasure motorboats recommended by the Society of Automotive Engineers in its recommended practice designated SAEJ34, or by such procedures as the state wildlife resources agency may by regulation designate from time to time when such agency deems it necessary to adjust to advances in technology.
(Code 1981, § 14-437)

Sec. 102-639. Certification standards and procedures for officers to operate sound meters.
The city manager or his designee or the chief of police is authorized and directed to enact standards and procedures by which police officers may be certified to operate the sound level meters and to measure vehicle and motorboat noise as provided in this article and to so certify such officers who may from time to time qualify under such standards as competent to undertake the enforcement of this article. The director may amend such testing procedures from time to time when deemed necessary to adjust to advances in technology and may enact separate procedures for certification as to vehicular noise and as to motorboat noise. A true and exact copy of such procedures certified as such by the director, together with a complete list of all certified officers, also certified, shall be maintained at all times in the office of the city recorder for inspection and copying by members of the general public.
(Code 1981, § 14-438)

Sec. 102-640. Amplified noise from motor vehicles.
(a) No person operating or occupying a motor vehicle on any public street, highway, alley, parking lot, or driveway shall operate or permit the operation of any sound amplification system including, but not limited to, any radio, tape player, compact disc player, loud speaker, or any other electrical device used for the amplification of sound from within the motor vehicle so that the sound is plainly audible at a distance of 50 or more feet from the vehicle. For the purpose of this section, "plainly audible" means any sound that clearly can be heard, by unimpaired auditory senses based on a direct line of sight of 50 feet or more; however, words or phrases need not be discernible and such sound shall include bass reverberation.
(b) This section shall not be applicable to emergency or public safety vehicles, vehicles owned and operated by a municipal or county government or any utility company, for sound emitted unavoidably during a job-related operation, or for school or community sponsored activities, auctioneers or auctioning activities, boats or other watercrafts operated on waters or any motor vehicle used in an authorized public activity for which a permit has been granted by the appropriate agency of a municipal or county government.
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Last edited by Angrybird 12; 03-07-2010 at 12:03 PM.
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Old 03-07-2010, 12:20 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by thedonkeyslayer View Post
I'm not sure how this would work...if you car is registered & you live in a state in which your vehicle is 100% legal, how could another state give you a ticket just because you were visiting/passing through??

All of the diff state laws are dumb. You can buy a bottle of Jack Daniels in a gas station in AZ, but in PA you have to go to a state owned liquor store.

Oh yeah, you can also buy/sell cars on Sunday in AZ, but not here in the NE. Blue laws are the stupidest thing EVER. They make no sense in this day & age. <end rant>
You can be cited even if you're just passing through. Under the law its your responsibility to know the laws of each state you'll be driving in and make sure your car complies.

All that being said, I never ticket out of state drivers for vehicle modifications unless they're actually living here. Of course, then there are other problems with them not changing their registration....but someone who's visiting, never going to get a ticket from me.
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Old 03-07-2010, 12:24 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by HondaPowered View Post
hold on, let me find it, oh here we go .
don't talk about stuff you don't know. you CANNOT get "nailed" in different states, for things such as tint, license plate covers, and tail light tint. But, I am always open to be proven wrong, if you can provide the truth, I will erase my message. Seeing as my dad is a cop here in Tennessee, and he told me that you can't do that to people who have out of state plates.

So, to conclude, what you say is , but feel free to show me some facts.
I have PERSONALLY gotten pulled over for window tint in Indiana by a state trooper. He clearly stated that the initial stop was because of the tint. I said that the tint on driver and passenger windows is leagal in MO and he still made me remove the tint right there on the side of the highway. He had a light meter in his car and used it on both front side windows to record the amount of tint I had.
I wasn't speeding or being reckless at all before he got me. I was just doing the speed limit in the middle lane. He was in an black unmarked 1LE Camaro. This happened in 2002.

As far as I know most states officers (mostly state patrol) can and will do an initial stop for modified vehicles. You have to be carefull because a lifted, lowered/customized car/truck can attract alot of attention outside of the owner's hometown. I have gotten pulled over for a vehicle being too low, for being too tall, for having modified taillights, for dragging (airride), for show of horsepower (burnout), for having headlights too low (airride), for the rear plate not being permanently attached, for liscense plate lights being out, for excess stereo bass....all of these were out of my state of MO when I had a fully custom car being drivin to a show. I admit that some of them were self inflicted , but some of them are just from picky cops that wanted to stop us. It's funny when a cop pulls over a car in a show caravan and 20 other cars/trucks pull over behind him.....
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Old 03-07-2010, 06:47 PM   #34

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Originally Posted by HondaPowered View Post
hold on, let me find it, oh here we go .
don't talk about stuff you don't know. you CANNOT get "nailed" in different states, for things such as tint, license plate covers, and tail light tint. But, I am always open to be proven wrong, if you can provide the truth, I will erase my message. Seeing as my dad is a cop here in Tennessee, and he told me that you can't do that to people who have out of state plates.

So, to conclude, what you say is , but feel free to show me some facts.
Actually what you say is . Regardless of the state, you CAN get pulled over for infractions out of state. Tint, radar detectors, aftermarket exhausts, and noise levels must comply with local and state laws and ordinances whether you are out of state or not or you can and will get ticketed. Before you come on here claiming bs and blah blah blah do your research. There is NO clause in any of the 50 states that say the they laws do not apply to out of state vehicles.
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Old 03-07-2010, 08:15 PM   #35
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yes, you can get pulled over for almost anything. hell in TN you can get pulled over for having something hanging on your rearview mirror(rosary beads, dice, handicapped placard) To the person above me, I said you wouldn't get nailed for it. My def. of nailing is being ticketed, and having to show up to court. But to Skyman, I never said it didn't happen, and thanks for the quote, I think you highlighted the wrong area though. So let me fix it for everyone. You CAN get pulled over for almost anything, but the chances of you getting a ticket for being out of state are relatively low, unless you are an ass to the officer.
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Old 03-07-2010, 09:28 PM   #36
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It all comes down to how petty the cop is. Pulling somebody over for this is stupid. I guess Winchels was closed? It's the exact same thing when one of the petty cops pulls you over for no front plate, and others just let it slide.
this is the same in every job done in the world, one guy feels that he has latitude to make decisions, uses common sense to figure things out...the other guy does his job by the book, no breaks. we have all worked with people like this, every one of us.

the laws are there for a reason, whether we like them or not. and think about how many accidents are attributed to improper safety blacked out tail lights or headlights.

as far as tint goes, walking up on a car that has been stopped for a violation and not being able to see into the vehicle because the tint is to dark is a dangerous thing, more police officers are injured and killed during traffic stops than any other type of call. being able to see into the car is a wonderful thing when the possibility of being shot by some guy running 200 lbs of marijuana in his trunk, when you pulled him over for speeding.

give us a break guys, we want to go home safe at the end of our shifts too.

and oh yeah...I prefer crispy creme's
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Old 03-07-2010, 11:49 PM   #37
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Old 03-08-2010, 02:57 AM   #38

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Ok I looked into BC Canada laws so that my Canada bro's can get an understanding of our laws, here it is:

Motor Vehicle Act
Motor Vehicle Act Regulations
[includes amendments up to B.C. Reg. 39/2010, February 4, 2010]

Tail lamps
4.15 (1) A motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer must be equipped with 2 tail lamps, mounted on the rear of the motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer, that are capable of displaying only red light visible from a distance of 150 m to the rear on both sides of the motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer at an angle of 45° from the longitudinal axis of the motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer.

(2) Despite subsection (1),

(a) a motorcycle may be equipped with only one tail lamp, and

(b) a vehicle manufactured before January 1, 1959 may be equipped with only one tail lamp.

(3) Each tail lamp must be mounted on the vehicle at a height of not less than 38 cm and not more than 1.83 m.

(4) Subsection (3) does not apply to vehicles being towed by a tow car.

(5) Despite subsection (3), a tow car may be equipped with 2 supplemental tail lamps mounted within the maximum allowable vehicle height (4.15 m) and as far forward as the rear of the cab.

(6) A vehicle which is being transported in a drive-away/tow-away operation, or is being towed by a tow car, must have 2 tail lamps that are synchronized with the tail lamps of the towing vehicle when the tow vehicle tail lamps are illuminated.

[en. B.C. Reg. 476/98, s. 2.]


From what I gather its OK for us to tint the tail lights as it does NOT state anywhere here that we cant, or if we do, the red light must be visible 150m from the cra at 45 degrees.

I am putting 20% over mine soon and I will test this.

I will also copy this out and keep it in the car incase I am stopped and I will not be removing it unless instructed by a judge as I will be following the law as laid out by my province.

Are there any lawyers here that can challenge what I am saying please.

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Old 03-08-2010, 06:40 AM   #39
Angrybird 12
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Originally Posted by HondaPowered View Post
yes, you can get pulled over for almost anything. hell in TN you can get pulled over for having something hanging on your rearview mirror(rosary beads, dice, handicapped placard) To the person above me, I said you wouldn't get nailed for it. My def. of nailing is being ticketed, and having to show up to court. But to Skyman, I never said it didn't happen, and thanks for the quote, I think you highlighted the wrong area though. So let me fix it for everyone. You CAN get pulled over for almost anything, but the chances of you getting a ticket for being out of state are relatively low, unless you are an ass to the officer.
I can accept that..
When you called I was under the impression you had also read my second post and you didn't believe me about a friend of mine getting pulled over... If I am wrong I apologise.
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Old 03-08-2010, 11:57 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by Skyman 08 View Post
I can accept that..
When you called I was under the impression you had also read my second post and you didn't believe me about a friend of mine getting pulled over... If I am wrong I apologise.

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