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View Poll Results: Is there to much censorship on C5
Yes 51 43.22%
NO 67 56.78%
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Old 03-25-2011, 10:26 PM   #99
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This site is based on the 5th Gen Camaro and the MODS and owner(s) have done an excellent job in keeping it that way. There are so many other sites out there with everything from boats to candlewax.

This is first and foremost a 5th Gen Camaro site. This community has grown by leaps and bounds and has become the LARGEST 5th gen site and that is due in no small part to how it has been structured and maintained.

People share information. People share opinions, ideas, thoughts. Yes it is a public forum but under private ownership with a specific mission statement and rules. Do we all agree with them ? No. With 41,000+ members we WILL NOT all agree. Can you go elsewhere? It's a free country - have at it.

But some things to consider:

Through this website many friendships have been made and some of these have resulted in unbelievable selfless acts that I have not witnessed anywhere else.

We now have events such as C5Fest which came as a direct result of this website.

People have been married because of this site.

GM is doing a world premier of a car at C5FestII because of this site.

These speak volumes of what has been accomplished here.
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Old 03-25-2011, 10:53 PM   #100

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Originally Posted by buzzy56 View Post
Sometimes I wonder if people proof read their post's prior to submitting?I do believe that if more people took the time to re-read prior to posting that they might reword , re-think or even cancel their posts.Yes I know sometimes this site is not fair and we are not all treated equally.But guess what school and work & life are that way also? Yea too bad is isn't .So I guess you just have to make the best of it & decide if its worth it too you to continue to participate or move on.I like to browse the site daily and quite often leave the site open on my laptop.I would hope that we would all use good judgment in the words and pictures that we use and post just as if our young children , grandchildren were in our household and might view the content here.First and most important this site is about the Camaro and anything else is secondary.If its pics of ladies you want then there are plenty of places that fill that need. Just maby sometimes individuals feel powerless in their own life's and when they go on line they have a tendency to exhibit their bully tendencies never really sure of their selfs.My father told me something quite often as a small child ,"life's not always fair so don't expect it ", & you know what that has always stayed with me.I don't need to be reminded of it.I understand it.

There's been several times I was going to post, then I sat back read it and realized it was not relevant. I think most people need to do the same.
As stated don't post anything you wouldn't want a family member to see, be in in words or pictures.

The mods on this site do a great job. Don't you wish you had their hours, pay, and benefits?

At times I feel I'm more of a babysitter than a captian and I'm sure it's the same as being a moderator.

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Last edited by Fightinfire921; 03-25-2011 at 11:26 PM.
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Old 03-25-2011, 11:03 PM   #101
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If you feel that we haven't acted on a post that we should have ... report it (). Thats what the button is there for. We aren't scheming to dish out infractions to some while we pat our buddies on the back for doing the same thing. Thats not how we opperate. We want to be fair, its impossible to be 100% perfectly fair all the time, but we don't want anyone to feel like we're being uneven when we moderate the site. There are umpteen different reasons why we may have left something while deleting it at another time, could have been the tone of the post, could have been that, at the time there were a number of complaints about that sort of thing so we were being a little over sensitive, or it could have been any one of a dozen other reasons. But I can definitively say that it isn't because we're being selective in who moderate.

Originally Posted by nards444 View Post
even this thread it gets moved over to a less browsed forum?? Hmmm?? Not a general discussion topic?? Im sure there is some excuse for it.
Each section has a specific function, except 5th Gen General which is a catchall for things that don't fit anywhere else. A thread containing suggestions, feedback, & questions about the site, it absolutely postively beyond any shadow of a doubt belongs in theSite Related Announcements/Suggestions/Feedback/Questions section. I would not expect to see such a thread in any other portion of the site. Just as I wouldn't expect to see a question Zaino anywhere but in the detailing section, or superchargers anywhere but in forced induction.

Originally Posted by liquidsmoke View Post
Remember when I said "if you don't own one, or about to own one" it was in the same sentence.

My gripe is about people who don't own one, don't want to own one, now or in the future, but yet they are still here and rules being made to appease them.

Now I don't care one way or the other about the rule about pics with chicks. Plenty of other sites that focus on that. What I don't want is to come here one day and finding out I can't even curse in a thread because the little ones are watching.
We don't make any rules specifically to appease members who do not intend to buy a Camaro. However, we do try to keep this site clean and family friendly. Some people browse the site with their wives or kids, others check up on it during lunch or breaks at the office, I'm sure there are other situations where profanity and other questionable content would highly inappropriate as well. Rules about general conduct are almost as old as the site is.
Note, if I've gotten any facts wrong in the above, just ignore any points I made with them
Originally Posted by FbodFather
My sister's dentist's brother's cousin's housekeeper's dog-breeder's nephew sells coffee filters to the company that provides coffee to General Motors......
........and HE WOULD KNOW!!!!

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Old 03-25-2011, 11:14 PM   #102
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Originally Posted by liquidsmoke View Post

And I'll add, I know no matter what some people will get treated differently, that's life. But for the mods to admit we do not judge fairly seems counter productive.

I keep hearing people say, we can't be all things to all people. But it seems like that's exactly what this site is trying to be. Too much energy is being wasted on people who don't even own camaro's and not even old enough to legally drive.

How about a section that is only visible to those who can prove they own the car? If you don't own one, about to own one, or a vendor I really don't understand why you are even here. Go get some camaro wallpapers and find something better to do with your time. 14 year olds should not be on this site.
I wouldn't outright disallow them, but there is no benefit I can see to structure rules to cater to this crowd.
But that's just my personal opinion.

Also I have a question for whoever actually owns this site.

What is the purpose of this site?

Is it to celebrate the Camaro

Or is it to grow a huge user base and make money?

Just curious, nothing wrong with either answer.
But would maybe answer questions about motivation.
I'd like to know which people that aren't aloud to drive and don't even own Camaros, are making all the trouble. Because there are so few on here, that they usually never cause problems. It's usually older guys and girls.

I don't own a Camaro, does that mean I shouldn't be here? Because I have a reason that I'm still here. And a reason to why I have stayed here for almost 2 years. C5 has tons of information on here about Camaros and other cars. But wait, I dont own a Camaro, so I have no clue why I'm here anyway. Pft.
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Old 03-26-2011, 12:34 AM   #103
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Originally Posted by guiLT View Post
I'd like to know which people that aren't aloud to drive and don't even own Camaros, are making all the trouble. Because there are so few on here, that they usually never cause problems. It's usually older guys and girls.

I don't own a Camaro, does that mean I shouldn't be here? Because I have a reason that I'm still here. And a reason to why I have stayed here for almost 2 years. C5 has tons of information on here about Camaros and other cars. But wait, I dont own a Camaro, so I have no clue why I'm here anyway. Pft.

so i joined this site over 2 years ago when i was planning on buying one. i made friends. then i decided to buy a corvette instead. now, i don't really have any intentions of buying a camaro. does that mean i should get the boot because upon coming back to talk to friends i've made here & help others out with what i do know about the car & automotive stuff in general, i find this thread and start arguing with you about liking how the mods/admins run this site? seems like i'm just stirring the pot, don' it? the kicker is that i still remain respectful to your opinion that the mods play favorites/cater to non-camaro owners. i don't call you a retard or pitch some hissy fit just to get my way. i also talk to people directly if i have a problem with them or what they're doing instead of just holding it in & complaining in other arenas about how much i don't like it (while still returning to the site).

so long as what you're saying is respectful & abides by the site guidelines, it'll most-likely stay posted. if it looks like you've just got it out for somebody or you go against the site rules, it's probably gonna get moderated. will they catch everything?? nope. are there some instances where some things are tolerated in one area & frowned upon in another? yep. the threads that are more of a "local hangout spot" are typically more lax because it's typically the same usual circle of people in there. the more visible, high-traffic areas (such as tech, troubleshooting, events, appearance, mods, etc) have to be more strict because that's where the majority of people're gonna go & get their impressions of this site. case-in-point: i'm willing to bet that 90% of the members here have no clue who Shunt is, but at least 75% of the members have looked at a custom set of wheels.

i say that to show that i believe the moderation is pretty fair & based on the environment the infraction occurred in.
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Old 03-26-2011, 12:56 AM   #104
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Originally Posted by nards444 View Post
that doesnt show me who has special privaleges and how is it off topic its general discussion.
No one really has special privilages, I think we just take it easier on those members who aren't a general PIA.......
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Old 03-26-2011, 01:01 AM   #105
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Okay, seeing how this a public poll, everyone on the “yes list” is now on my sh!t list and everyone on the “no list” is now on my “new favorite list”.

All joking aside, as MODS we all know we are not going to please every member all the time and yes, we are going to piss some of you off now and again. Now, I will say this, every decision that is made has been discussed and agreed upon over and over again. As mods do we disagree with each other, you betcha… Do we come to an understanding on our behind the scenes disputes???......most of the time yes. I think GTAHVIT misspoke about having favorites (we can slap each other around about that later and he is stronger than he looks).

If something offends you report it; we are notified about it immediately and we can take care of it. It’s as simple as that.

I can tell you this, the MODS and ADMINS are a great bunch of guys and I am proud of what camaro5 has become in such a short time. We are all lifers so to say and we are here for the same reason most all of you are… Every member here makes this place what it is and to me it’s a second home, a place to escape the realities of life, a place to meet great people that share the same obsession I do and we all know what that is…

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Old 03-26-2011, 03:24 AM   #106
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Originally Posted by nards444 View Post
No bs that was my only comment on that topic "not really". And that was the reason it said in my little ticket for getting booted, you are locked out for comments of "not really"
Seriously? That's just being unnecessarily unkind. You know it is and it's why you typed it. Do you report people when they break the rules? Maybe you should. I'm thinking that you're exagerating your points a little.

Personaly I'm not unking to anyone, I try to help when I can in any way, and I participate in the site everyday. And yet I STILL get 'sensored' and posts deleted. And yes, I go back sometimes and see my posts changed. Inflamitory I guess. mainly in the L99/LS3 threads. I'm edited because, though I'm joking, my posts can SEEM antagonistic.

I don't think people are necessarily favored, but just know how to be open and not break the rules too bad. Just last week I was deleted and it pissed me off. But I just left the topic alone. People who have been here longer probably just know what will get them in trouble. Know the line to walk.

Just stay out of the ladies thread. They're not really hot, so why go in there?

Originally Posted by nards444 View Post
Ive just seen way to many post deleted of other and mine as well. Ive also seen my wording changed. What gets me and what got me my last ban was the fact that you can only post pics of C5 girls with cars and no other girl was allowed. I understand were trying to maintain a certain atmosphere and what not but at least make it fair because there definitely is different rules for different people in here
If I were made a mod tomorrow, first thing I'd do is close that thread. Too many people don't see the point in it. It attracts mean comments and makes people mad. Like you. For whatever reason.

That thread is harmless, in the rigth section, and OPTIONAL. Yet people still make it difficult.

Originally Posted by MyIBMssRS View Post
Definitely a lot of truth to this. The whole 'women of C5' thing is ridiculous as well. Most of them aren't as attractive as they think they are, or as attractive as the perverts around here say they are. But they're in that 'protected' group so it's anything goes for them.
How are they in a protected group? Name one of them who have broken the rules? Or been mean to anyone? That thread has over a million hits, and is in the off topic area. Why do you care?

Originally Posted by el ess X View Post
I see that some people that were banned, have now returned. Why? If C5 is so bad, why come back?

Originally Posted by nards444 View Post
whenever you put something on the internet it not private whether you like it not. second off its a free site so anybody and there mother can get on here. And you are right though if you own something you have the right to dicate anything you want I guess but doesnt mean others will like it.

Either way why do others get to post things and other dont, there are different rules for different people. Certain people can post pics of their girls others can't. They may find their girls hott and others dont, but when some one doesnt they are blacklisted??
Wow. You really are enamoured by un-hot chicks. Please tell me why you care? You were being unkind and you know it. There is nothing unfair to you. I don't get it. How old are you?

Originally Posted by nards444 View Post
I like the website its not favorite nor are all the people but its good entertainment and a good place to find things. And I have nothing against MODS. But Im not the only one that feels like there are rules for different people and if I could add names I would but I dont think I need to go that far. If there are going to be rules then everybody needs to abide by them, there shouldnt be some loose rules because somebody's so and so post a pic of their wife that others think is hot mainly old men and whatever, or somebody that just flat out posts a ton. I think there is to much censorship here you dont, which will always be a disagreemnt which is fine I respect your arguemnt. But everybody needs to be held to the same standard and somebody shouldnt be punished for not going with the politcal agenda of C5.
Political Agenda? Could you explain? How do you come up with 'Political Agenda'?

And you really are hung up on the C5 chicks thread aren't you? It's been in every one of your posts in this thread. Just don't go in there. Most everyone in this thread have had legitimate points, pro C5 and anti, and yours just don't make any sense.

The women, and sure one is mine, but they can do what they want in their thread. They were all combined into one. They aren't breaking any rules. They are all very kind and polite. They enjoy each other and the members who are in there, and they don't carry it to the rest of the site. And they DO participate outside that thread. So what's your deal?

Originally Posted by BackinBlackSS/RS View Post
There may be several reasons why someone here does not have a Camaro. Does that mean we should not allow them to be here? The answer to me is obvious. If there are things here you disagree with or a thread you don't like, just don't go in and just browse what makes you comfortable. I don't understand why people would rather bitch about something rather than just ignore it and move on. The thread affects you in no personal way unless you let it.

If you don't like the thread, people in the thread, or topic, just stay out.

Originally Posted by liquidsmoke View Post
Remember when I said "if you don't own one, or about to own one" it was in the same sentence.

My gripe is about people who don't own one, don't want to own one, now or in the future, but yet they are still here and rules being made to appease them.

Now I don't care one way or the other about the rule about pics with chicks. Plenty of other sites that focus on that. What I don't want is to come here one day and finding out I can't even curse in a thread because the little ones are watching.
Non-Camaro owners get preferential treatment?
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Old 03-26-2011, 03:57 AM   #107
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Boy oh boy did this take off quickly. But, then...why wouldn't it. HA

I've read a lot of good points and a lot of misinformed posts here. Trying to go back and touch on every one of them would only take a couple hours and quite frankly, I'm getting But, truth of the matter is I try to treat everyone the same. Plain and simple. I've only run into a friend or two here mayyyybe twice where they have said something that was out of line. Again, that's in 4 years. Of course, it's not something you want to run a friend an infraction. But then again, the people I associate with KNOW how to proof read their posts before posting. Common sense. Unfortunately not everyone has it. Don't post what you wouldn't normally say to someone's face. (Even then...some people LOOK for fights and don't care...)

Moving on, we try. We try REALLY hard. Not everyone is offended by cuss words. We let some slide and some, when I see them, automatically delete them. But, you might see that same cuss word elsewhere. That's because I deleted it in one part, but didn't see it in another. And, we won't know about the other word due to the fact it hasn't been seen nor reported. That's just how it goes.

Girly pix...y'all really need to read the rules. That rule has changed.

Age limits. There aren't any nor will there ever be. Just because you are 14 does not mean you can't have an intellectual conversation. Keeping one 14 year old out because you want more freedom yourself isn't fair to that 14 year old nor all the other 14 year olds who post and have dreams of owning a Camaro.

An "anything goes" section won't happen. Plain and simple.

I'll hit some more points tomorrow...

Originally Posted by wrbear View Post
My recent experience is that I'm telling an OP objectively that I use a leaf blower and some locally purchased micro fiber towels (no advertisement but a SAM brand..I don't own stock) to get my car cleaned and the next thing I know a vendor is "challenging" me with pictures and a "challenge".....WHAT IS THAT? So I move on , a week later I go back and find out someone complained about the posts around 10 posts after I left.......the post gets a warning? The admin... say everything is ok keep moving all is well...that's because I lost interest with this vendor and moved on….....what's that?
Well, if you really want to visit this topic, and I see other questions similar to this one here were left and I suppose I'll go ahead and answer you as well.......sure.

If you feel the need to start off your post with...

I'll probably catch flack for this but

...then you can probably rest assured that you are going to see a post disappear.

If you also call people...


followed up by,

Those are, in my book, infraction worthy. But, I let it slide... Think about it for a sec. Is this something you should complain about?

If you guys want everything to be absolutely positively fair 100% of the time, then there's plenty of times like these where infractions should have been handed out that we have let slide as well...and no, I don't even know wrbear. I'm just trying to be "fair."

As I've said a million times, we have rules. I probably should have enforced them there...but...

Read them. Understand them. If you call people names, are disrespectful, intentionally start fights, etc, infractions are handed out. Again, it all comes down to common sense. Just think back to rereading before posting.
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Old 03-26-2011, 04:06 AM   #108
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Oh...and with regards to PQ's post...

1) Respect - By far the most important rule here. Through the generations of Camaros, enthusiasts have come together for the love of the car and the community (in fact, the name "Camaro" means "friend, pal, or comrade"). So, the basic rules of real life apply here, show each other respect and you will get respect as well. Don't bash someone else here because you feel like it. Personally insulting other members will not be tolerated.

If you go into a thread where a woman posts a picture of herself and you have the audacity to intentionally go out of your way to say she isn't attractive, then you are simply being a MEAN person without ANY manners. Basic rules of life apply here.....if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all. If you feel like you want to voice a negative opinion about someone (which basically disrespects him/her) then expect to be reprimanded.
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Old 03-26-2011, 07:31 AM   #109

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Originally Posted by PQ View Post
Seriously? That's just being unnecessarily unkind. You know it is and it's why you typed it. Do you report people when they break the rules? Maybe you should. I'm thinking that you're exagerating your points a little.

Personaly I'm not unking to anyone, I try to help when I can in any way, and I participate in the site everyday. And yet I STILL get 'sensored' and posts deleted. And yes, I go back sometimes and see my posts changed. Inflamitory I guess. mainly in the L99/LS3 threads. I'm edited because, though I'm joking, my posts can SEEM antagonistic.

I don't think people are necessarily favored, but just know how to be open and not break the rules too bad. Just last week I was deleted and it pissed me off. But I just left the topic alone. People who have been here longer probably just know what will get them in trouble. Know the line to walk.

Just stay out of the ladies thread. They're not really hot, so why go in there?

If I were made a mod tomorrow, first thing I'd do is close that thread. Too many people don't see the point in it. It attracts mean comments and makes people mad. Like you. For whatever reason.

That thread is harmless, in the rigth section, and OPTIONAL. Yet people still make it difficult.

How are they in a protected group? Name one of them who have broken the rules? Or been mean to anyone? That thread has over a million hits, and is in the off topic area. Why do you care?

Wow. You really are enamoured by un-hot chicks. Please tell me why you care? You were being unkind and you know it. There is nothing unfair to you. I don't get it. How old are you?

Political Agenda? Could you explain? How do you come up with 'Political Agenda'?

And you really are hung up on the C5 chicks thread aren't you? It's been in every one of your posts in this thread. Just don't go in there. Most everyone in this thread have had legitimate points, pro C5 and anti, and yours just don't make any sense.

The women, and sure one is mine, but they can do what they want in their thread. They were all combined into one. They aren't breaking any rules. They are all very kind and polite. They enjoy each other and the members who are in there, and they don't carry it to the rest of the site. And they DO participate outside that thread. So what's your deal?


If you don't like the thread, people in the thread, or topic, just stay out.

Non-Camaro owners get preferential treatment?
I was not being unkind if I wanted to go out and be unkind I would have said a lot more. Somebody asked a question I answered with a simple NOT REALLY and that was it. But what bothers me is the fact that in some Forums there the only ones allowed to post, which wrong. They might be nice and cool people but I dont paticuarly enjoy the way all them look and Im not the only one, ie look at some of these other posts. I have no problem with opening a thread and passing on responding and I have many times. But it bothers me is when you see this stuff over and over and over, and its gets sickening. And maybe you dont see it because your biased, but special rules or things are let go for them and others that support them, which again private site you make the rules. But all I can say is Im not the only one that feels this way. Lastly if you are going to post your life or wife all over the internet be prepared to have people not like it or like. Should there be moderation as to how far that negativity goes, sure.

And I have seen it way to many times of some girl being posted thats rather hott and maybe has a bikini on or something else that is small and they get plastered by the C5 supporter group and eventually taken off the thread, but yet certain people can post whatever they want as far as pics? Ive been here for three years now and have seen how this website has grown. And theres definitely a political agenda it might not be in the form of politics that our federal govt runs but its politics none the less.

This goes for everything not just C5 chicks man, if you dont like the Camaro or you like mustangs, or if you dont like the ZL1 Concept you end up getting torn up by "the group" and get what you said modded. But yet "the group" can say what they want to you. And I have seen this many time on here in the last three years. Whether your posting a women, car, or boat to continually do it over and over and over gets old. You may think you have something great but maybe the rest of us dont want to see.
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Old 03-26-2011, 07:34 AM   #110

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Originally Posted by liquidsmoke View Post

And I'll add, I know no matter what some people will get treated differently, that's life. But for the mods to admit we do not judge fairly seems counter productive.

I keep hearing people say, we can't be all things to all people. But it seems like that's exactly what this site is trying to be. Too much energy is being wasted on people who don't even own camaro's and not even old enough to legally drive.

How about a section that is only visible to those who can prove they own the car? If you don't own one, about to own one, or a vendor I really don't understand why you are even here. Go get some camaro wallpapers and find something better to do with your time. 14 year olds should not be on this site.
I wouldn't outright disallow them, but there is no benefit I can see to structure rules to cater to this crowd.
But that's just my personal opinion.

Also I have a question for whoever actually owns this site.

What is the purpose of this site?

Is it to celebrate the Camaro

Or is it to grow a huge user base and make money?

Just curious, nothing wrong with either answer.
But would maybe answer questions about motivation.

I have no problem with people on here that dont own a camaro, but yet you are right I have seen people that dont own on but are treated like they are kings in forums. I think you have a good point I think there needs to be an exclusive forum or thread. Where more leeway is given to post what you want as far as pics and words. Just about every forum has them now. very good point
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Old 03-26-2011, 07:40 AM   #111

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Originally Posted by Milk 1027 View Post
No one really has special privilages, I think we just take it easier on those members who aren't a general PIA.......
PIA or just dont go with the crowd?? Which all makes sense now
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Old 03-26-2011, 08:05 AM   #112
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I believe the Moderators are great and they have a hard job to do. They are pretty awesome guys and they really do do alot for us! Just think of how many people are on this site! Have I gotten in trouble? Sure. Have I went off on people? Sure! Its hard sometimes to be polite, but like the mods say - if you got nothing nice to say, don't say it!
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