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03 Dec, 2009

Camaro team’s response to concern about Transmission Output Shaft Failure

Posted by: admin In: Main ()

We bring you a message from Mr. John Fitzpatrick (aka Fbodfather 2.0) regarding the community’s concern about potential output shaft failure:

I understand over the recent Thanksgiving holiday, the Camaro output shaft topic heated up. We understand the members’ passion and concern for this issue as it involves a major powertrain component. Rest assured, everyone on the Camaro team takes these issues very seriously, but there is some confusion regarding this matter that we would like to try to clear up.

As many of the members know, we started to receive warranty claim reports in June of this year regarding output shaft failures on Camaro SS models with manual transmissions. When we noticed a spike in claims, a review was initiated to determine the root cause for the failure. This review is common practice for us, and usually takes a number weeks to complete. Since we did not immediately know the root cause, we did slow the shipments of Camaro SS models from Oshawa for a couple of weeks until the review was completed.

At the end of the review, we concluded the probability of a customer experiencing an output shaft failure under normal driving conditions are very low (or – if you are into engineer speak, "below tolerance")…. continued HERE

Read the rest of John Fitzpatrick’s message at the following LINK

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